Monday, April 11, 2016

Daily Card 4/11/16 - The Star

I forgot to pull myself a card this morning before I left for work. I suppose that's not too surprising considering this will be the first day of this practice for me, and I'm still not sure if it's something that I'll do every day, every week, or just intermittently. Right now I am eager to play with my cards so pulling a card every morning intrigues me. On the other hand, if I am digging the energy or direction that a particular card is giving me, I might let it continue for a few days in a row. We'll just have to wait and see what happens!

This morning I forgot to pull a card but I'm going with the Star. After hours spent playing with my cards and reading meanings and doing readings, I dreamed about tarot cards and meanings and spreads all night. One card that kept coming to me was the Star, and I was thinking of it when I awoke. I'm not super familiar with this card yet, so let's see what the meanings are...

Beth from Little Red Tarot says that the Star often means hope or optimism, and that more specifically she interprets it to represent one's true inner self, soul, or essence. "When everything else is changing, it’s important to remember who we are." In a separate post, she describes it as "a light at the end of the tunnel."

I get the sense that this card is also about getting to know oneself better, personal exploration and growth, and perhaps a growing faith in one's own abilities. The Star is urging me to have faith that I am on the right path. It is saying that there is an opportunity to learn more about myself, and that I should appreciate my radiance and my positive qualities.

Personally this speaks to me on a couple of levels. First, I am feeling comforted and energized by the Star showing me that light at the end of the tunnel, as I am coming to the last month of my time as a graduate student, and also as I am still clawing my way out of a winter that was really hard on me physically and mentally. The Star is saying that I am on the right path for healing and that I can trust myself. Also, it's letting me know that I am worth all this hard work and in the end I am going to be so happy. I like how she's holding the star. This is the star come to earth, this isn't something unattainable or remote or cold, it's a soft illumination that is present and immediate. There's a serenity to this image, and I'm feeling a sense of curiosity and innocence. I also think about where this card fits into the Fool's Journey, as one is approaching close to the completion of the cycle. You are closer than you think to the end of the journey.

In regards to my journey with the tarot, I'm feeling like the Star is encouraging me to continue to dig deeper, to learn more about myself, and to let the tarot help me grow my spiritual and mystic side. These are aspects of myself that I have been taught are silly, worthless, childish, undesirable. I need to persevere in the connections that I am making and the journey I am taking.

This card speaks to me of radiance, beauty, truth, light, and hope. A very encouraging card and I can certainly see why it is calling out to me now. I can certainly use the encouragement and the reminder that I am strong and that I am worth it!

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