Thursday, April 14, 2016

Daily Draw 4/14/16 - Nine of Staves

Happy Thursday! I thought we might be in for a little bit of a change after all that cups energy! Today I drew the Nine of Wands, which are called Staves in the Tarot Mucha. 

I don't recall much about this card from my initial look through the LWB. I know that Wands/Staves represent the element of fire, and that the suit generally indicates passion, action, and creativity. Before looking up the meaning of the card, I'd like to just take a moment to reflect on the image. 

I'm really loving the borders of the minor suits, each of which has its own theme. The staves have an almost autumnal look. To be honest, I'm having a hard time interpreting the image. I suppose my only feeling is that of being well-supported, she is confident in her ideas and her resources. Maybe she's not quite ready to take action yet, but she's marshaling her forces. Those are just my first impressions.

Taking a look at my notes, this card can mean that one is dealing with a heavy burden or a difficulty. I wrote down "shouldering a heavy burden in the late stages of a journey," and "a position of strength; have faith in your preparations; have faith for the final push." 

With this mind, I take another look at the card and notice that she does seem a bit fatigued, and like she has indeed come a long way. But the feeling of having prepared yourself well and feeling confident that you can deal the final blow is coming through strongly. It's sort of like hitting the wall in the last few miles of a marathon, right? You've trained for this, you are capable, now it's time to put one big final effort in and finish strong. It's a pause to collect oneself and steel oneself for the final push; you're in the homestretch, don't falter now. But I really like the idea of this card representing that deep breath and pause before taking that final step.

Well, this makes a lot of sense for me right now, as I am coming into the final month of grad school. I suppose this card is a good reminder that I can't just muddle through the last few weeks - I will get a greater reward if I push hard to finish strong and make the most of these final miles. I am right in the thick of this at the moment, as I am putting in hours at my internship every single day after work, completing coursework, and looking for jobs. 

I'm also thinking about the action of moving from all of that cups energy into wands/staves energy. I've been doing a lot of introspection and personal reflection... now it's time to tap into my willpower and strength and resolve to get some shit done in my life! I'm feeling bolstered by and energized by that time of reflection, though. Having that cups background is helping me dig deep and find the motivation for that final push.

With this in mind, I'm off to work on some job applications!

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