Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Daily Card 4/13/16 - Eight of Cups

Today I drew the Eight of Cups. That's a lot of Cups energy coming my way recently (I actually offered to draw a card for my boyfriend today as well, and he got the Seven of Cups!)

I'm struggling a little bit to get a good grip on this card's meanings. I've seen interpretations that indicate a sense of sadness or dissatisfaction with life that prompts one to set out on a pilgrimage for deeper meaning. There's an indication that physical and material pleasures are not enough to truly satisfy one's soul. Once again, I think of connection. Perhaps the figure in this card is out seeking a deeper, more meaningful connection to herself and her world. 

This is a very beautiful and peaceful image. I don't feel sadness from this card, more of a determination and desire to seek out something new. When I see a cups card, I am always looking for the water, because I find that the way in which the water is depicted and the way in which the figure in the card interacts with the water, if at all, really helps me get a feel for what the card is trying to say. In this card we see in the background a stream or river, strewn with rocks. I think that she is following the path of this river. Although she appears to be walking away from it, I imagine that it is curving around to her right and that she continues to follow its direction. This card is about pilgrimage and connecting to one's higher calling or intuition. Trusting where it leads. 

Further in the distance is a beautiful, misty mountain range, presided over by a moon. Are we looking at an eclipse here? The moon always brings me back to the High Priestess, who I think always has a connection to the cups suit. I also like that my deck is telling me that the High Priestess is very much in force in my connection with it at this time, in an almost reassuring way. My deck is encouraging me to explore the suit of cups first and foremost. I like the mountain range, the high peaks make me think of reaching spiritual heights. 

Although I don't necessarily sense sadness, there is admittedly something solitary and remote about this wandering figure. It's as if she is striking out on her own, despite the fact that her world is clearly very close to full, as evidenced by all those cups to her right. I suppose this brings us back to the feeling of not being satisfied with the things in life that represent, perhaps, shallower or temporary happiness. She's determined to follow her intuition to bring a deep emotional and spiritual connection to her world.

So I think this card is telling me, once again, keep doing what you're doing. You're on the right path with tarot. I also get a sense that maybe the deck is telling me, sure it's nice that you have your pretty altar and your pretty cards and all your nice things that make reading the tarot a pleasant sensory experience, but don't forget that it's about much more than that. It's about connecting to your journey and your intuition. Point taken! 

I wonder if we'll continue with this cups energy tomorrow?

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